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Double Glazing Glasgow


According to Propertypriceadvice.co.uk the following home improvements could add the potential value to your home:

Home Improvement Area Potential Value Added
Splitting a house into flats 30%
Converting a cellar Up to 30%
Converting a garage into living space 15%
Extending a kitchen with a side-return extension 15%
Adding another bedroom with a loft conversion 15%
Increasing living space with a conservatory Up to 10%
Double Glazing Glasgow

Increase your space with a Conservatory or Extension loan from Hitachi Personal Finance

If things are starting to feel a little cramped at home, adding a conservatory or an extension is a great way to get the extra space that you need, as well as potentially increasing your house’s value when it is time to sell up.

Double Glazing Glasgow

What is a conservatory or extension loan?

A conservatory or extension loan is an unsecured personal loan, used specifically to finance the build of a home extension or a conservatory. You will borrow the money you need to cover the full cost of the materials and the labour at a pre-agreed fixed monthly cost for a term to suit you.

A Hitachi loan based on borrowing £7,500 Amount over 5 years*
Representative Rate of interest Monthly repayment Total credit charge Total repayment
3.5% APR 3.5% (fixed) £136.25 £675.00 £8,175.00

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Is a loan the best way to fund a conservatory or extension?

A personal loan can be a great way to fund the build of a conservatory or extension as you can borrow the amount you need at a manageable monthly repayment to suit you. The repayment amount and the APR are fixed which makes budgeting easy and you can often pay back early or make over-payments free of charge if your circumstances change and you find yourself in a position to do so.